How to Make Money by Leading with Value

How to make money is something you want to learn to do, right? You probably found this article while searching online for more information about how to earn supplemental income from home, or you may have been looking for part-time work. Either way, you are in the right place.

Chances are, you know someone that started a home based business and they are enjoying their freedom, so now you just want to know how you can do the same. I know how that feels, and it’s a great feeling when you can easily churn out income right from your living room.

You don’t have to wake up super early to fight traffic, or better you won’t have to go and do something you don’t like. What if you could earn money by teaching people how to be free? What if you could earn money by sharing with others the “how to” on how to start a home based business, and how to spend more time with those they love?

It is possible, and that is what I want to do for you here. See, for me it isn’t about more money or even taking more vacations per year. Sure, I won’t argue that it’s great to do those things, but what really gets me excited is the ability to work with you and teach you the “how to”, on how to get free, how to do more on your own, and how you can create the lifestyle you really want.

If you want to learn how to make money by leading with value for other people just like yourself, then keep reading. At the end, I’ll share with you some important information that will get you in the frame of mind for real success, and what your next steps should be!

how to make money

How to Make Money by Getting Real

If you want to learn how to make money by doing something you love, then it’s time to get real for a minute. You may already have chosen a path for a home based business, but maybe it isn’t going so well. Perhaps you are still looking for a home based business opportunity, and you aren’t sure what to choose.

Let me create value for you right now; what do you really love? If you could do ONE thing over and over even if you NEVER got paid, what would that one thing be? Hmmm, let me help you with this; think different, and think about things are NOT necessarily business related.

I always ask people to make a checklist, and what does that checklist involve?

  1. What are your hobbies and interests?
  2. What life experiences do you have?
  3. What awards have you won in your life?

These answers for you will be different than they are for me, and that is okay. We all have different gifts and talents, and we are to use them to further our path in life. However, what you do and what you don’t do are your choice. Life is all about choices. You have the job you have because you chose it.

You married who you married because you chose it. With the same passion and intensity by which you made those decisions, you can choose to create the life you really want. So, why do a job you hate? You are more powerful than you think, and all you need to do to grow your business is to get people you encounter to think the same way.

Ask your prospects these same questions, and then watch them change. It works!

How to Make Money with Attraction Marketing

It has been said that the best way to learn how to make money is to teach people to show others how to make money. I have seen that put to work,and yes it does work.

It works from all sides, and it’s part of the theory on the “reciprocal blessing”, or in other words sort of like the “Pay it Forward” movie. I guess you could say that yes, it works without a doubt, and it’s benefits are two-fold in that you can:

  • Live a better life
  • Run a better business

If you reach out to the audience you wish to attract, they will come to you. SO, if you want people on your team that are successful and have no fear of recruiting others, or sharing with others these same principles, then it’s time for you to get busy!

Being attractive, and being a “servant leader” is by far the best way to live your life, and you’ll end up changing lives as a result. Yes, it’s business, but it’s better business in my opinion. Don’t take my word for it, when you can look to examples like Rob Fore, Ray Higdon, Mary Kay, and many others.

So, are you ready to grow a bit? Are you ready to prosper? If so, then go HERE right now, to learn how to make money in the presence of a community that encourages everyone to win big!

Make Money Online with What You Love

Make money online?

It is possible to make money doing what you love when you leverage the power of the internet. While it’s true that your passion may not always pay the big bucks, the internet makes it possible for you to do more than just have a nice looking website. The internet makes it possible for you to share with everyone all about your passion and it helps you reach more people in less time.

Can you imagine if millions of people were able to access your products or services around the clock how much you could make? Even if you were promoting something you love and you made the same that you make right now, wouldn’t it be amazing to work less hours?

Naturally, you would say yes, and I know I did when I realized I could write about what I do, what I love, and help others to do the same. The great news is that not only can you leverage the internet, but just think how powerful it is that you can reach anyone, anywhere in the world!

Do you want to learn how you can make money online promoting something you love? If so, then read this article all the way until the end, and you’ll learn how you can do the same, and what tools and resources you can use to help you even if you are starting on a budget!

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Make Money Online with What Gets You Excited!

If you haven’t discovered that you can easily make money online with something that gets you excited, then it’s time to do so.  I don’t know about you, but for me personally, I hated making money for someone else. I also didn’t like being sick and feeling guilty for calling off work when I needed to.

The sad thing is, as long as you work for someone else, it will always be that way. They don’t care about you, but they want you to do everything they say, when they say it, and it’s always on their terms. What is it that you really want? Do you want more money? More time off? At some point, you’ll realize that you really can’t ever get any of those things when you work for someone else.

However, when you work for you, you can determine:

  1. When you work
  2. When you get off of work
  3. Where you go
  4. Who you go with

It’s that simple. The funniest part is that companies that still have top producers, still want to know where they are every single hour of the day to see if they can squeeze another dime out of them. Besides, wouldn’t you rather make your own commissions anyhow? Why worry about someone telling you how much of a percentage you get?

Why not just create your own payscale, and determine what you are worth? If you want more FREE time, the ability to work from home or anywhere else, then you’ll need to figure out a way to work for you. I love my time, and that is why I decided to find a way to have more time to myself, and work when I wanted to.

Yes, it is that simple because you just DECIDE.

Make Money Online When You Sleep Too!

I love that I can make money online at any time of the day, even while I sleep! That is pretty fantastic, and if I have a doctor’s appointment I don’t have to feel guilty for doing so.

I can make that appointment around my husband’s schedule, and around anything else I have to do. You don’t need a ton of money to start your business, but what you do need to do is start-PERIOD. Do you have a product or service you love that you would like to promote? if you do, then hop to it.

I can help you, but you do need to decide that it’s time for you to do great things, and stop waiting for someone to hand you a wad of cash or wait for your lottery ticket to show up. Great people make things happen, not the other way around.

If you would love to learn more about how to “make money online”, go HERE now to connect with me personally!

Work from Home as a Single Mom

Work from home as a single mom, and your life will be forever changed. Sure, it takes time to build your business, but the long term rewards and FREEDOM you are looking for make the journey completely worthwhile.

Imagine, if you were able to wake up when you wanted or needed to, and imagine what it would be like to NEVER drop your child off at daycare ever again. If you can’t see that, close your eyes and just really FOCUS on that image, and let it become real to you.

Now, what if I told you that I could teach you to do that? To stop relying on others and just live that vision you were focusing on? Let me tell you a story.

work from home

Work from Home and Always Be There

A friend of mine, Wendy, has 3 beautiful daughters. Her oldest daughter, Taylor, is quite an accomplished athlete, and because she is in junior high, she is always busy with practice, games, and fundraisers for the school. Wendy works full-time for an attorney’s office, and she doesn’t make much, but she gets by and gets child support here and there as the dad is absent from their lives.

Taylor, had a softball game at 5 pm, and Wendy ends her workday at the office around 3:30. Wendy has to drive from downtown Cincinnati to her home in West Chester, which takes about 30-40 minutes with rush hour traffic, and she has to pick up her youngest that is in daycare, while the middle child is in the afterschool program. Meanwhile Taylor makes her way to the field fo the game, so she is with the team and the coach, so she is in good hands right?

Wendy gets stuck in traffic due to a car accident, and she barely makes it to the daycare at 5, before they charge her an after hours fee of $25. Once she manages to put her youngest in the carseat, she then stops by the afterschool program where she hurries her middle child into the van, and over to the field they go. Wendy and the youngest two girls get to the field at 6:30, and the game is over.

Taylor is already walking away from the field with the team, and has a look of dismay across her face as she walks towards Wendy. Wendy has these feelings welling up in her throat that she can’t shake, of guilt, and sadness that she wasn’t there for Taylor and missed her game. Ah, if Wendy were able to work from home this could be avoided, and now it hits her that she needs to make it happen.

  • What if you NEVER had to miss another game?
  • What if you NEVER had to miss another dance recital?
  • What if you NEVER had to miss another awards ceremony?

You don’t have to, and it’s easier than you think!

It’s Time to Work from Home

Does Wendy’s story resonate with you? Do you feel as though child support is really financially enough anyway? According to Wendy, when she sat down and looked at the bigger picture, she was still barely making ends meet with child support, which meant one thing, and that was she needed another option.

The only solution she kept going back to time and again was to work from home. I shared with her that building a business online is best, simply because you can start it and run it for less than you can a brick and mortar business.

Enough said! What are you waiting for?

If you would like to learn more about how you can “work from home”, starting today, then go HERE to connect with me personally!